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Author: Anselfarm2


Soil Remediation: A Sustainable Solution through Bioremediation

Introduction Soil contamination, especially by crude oil spills, has become a major environmental concern. Crude oil spills occur due to accidents during extraction, transportation, or improper storage. These pollutants can cause severe damage to soil health, affect agricultural productivity, contaminate water…

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Precision Farming: Changing the Face of Agriculture

Introduction Agriculture is undergoing a significant transformation due to advancements in technology and data-driven approaches, particularly through precision farming. Traditional farming methods, which often treat large fields as homogeneous units, have proven inefficient in the face of rising global food demands…

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Environmental implications of conventional and vertical farms in vegetable production

Introduction The global demand for food production has led to significant environmental challenges, including greenhouse gas emissions, land degradation, and water depletion. With climate change, urbanization, and population growth, conventional farming practices are becoming increasingly unsustainable. Vertical farming (VF) has emerged…

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Usage of the micro-organism in sustainable farming

Introduction In the quest for sustainable agriculture, the role of microorganisms(1) is increasingly recognized as vital for fostering a circular economy. The recent advancements in biotechnology and microbial research have paved the way for innovative approaches to enhance soil fertility, crop…

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no tilll

The Role of Modern Machinery in Modern Agriculture

Introduction griculture has always been the foundation of human civilization, providing the essential needs for survival and growth. Over the centuries, agricultural methods have significantly evolved to meet the demands of today’s world, from manual and labor-intensive methods to advanced and…

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Benefits and Reasons for Farming Beyond Borders (International Agriculture)

Introduction Nowadays, with the advancement of technology and the expansion of communications, countries are closer to each other, which leads to an awareness of each other’s challenges and the provision of solutions for their own and other countries’ challenges. One such…

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Agritech concept with dairy cow and overlaid graphics

The Effects of Different Climates and Weather Conditions on the Productivity and Efficiency of Various Livestock Breeds

Introduction The increasing demand for food production and other livestock products due to population growth has led individuals in this field to seek ways to optimize efficiency and productivity in animal husbandry. One of these ways is to pay attention to…

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The danger lurking in groundwater: the consequences of using pesticides and herbicides in agriculture

Introduction With the population growth in recent centuries, the need to increase food resources has become more significant than ever. To this end, modern humans have devised methods to enhance agricultural and food production. Despite increasing outputs, these methods have also…

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